Unlike traditional television transmission systems (radio waves), an antenna is not needed and two-way (upload and download) broadband and fast connection is provided with the broadcast center. In Cable TV (CATV) networks, regardless of the distance, voice, video, data, video conference, video-on-demand, internet, FM radio, interactive services, distance education and shopping application services can be provided in equal capacity in both directions.
Signals received from satellites via receivers are converted into video signals of the specific channel in Headend centers located in the provinces. This video signal is re-modulated. The modulated Analog TV signals are combined with the FDMA structure and delivered to the fiber points in the field with fiber optic cables in the specified band. Here it switches from fiber to coaxial. The signal in the coaxial network is increased via amplifiers according to the distance. Then, it reaches the buildings and is increased again at the building entrances and given to the apartments.
References About Cable TV Network Construction & Operation Services
Türksat Satellite Communication Cable TV and Management Inc.
İstanbul Anatolian Side Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerMetrobil has been successfully operating the Türksat's Cable TV İstanbul Anatolian side (Bostancı, Maltepe, Kartal, Pendik) communication network infrastructure since February 2017
İzmir Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerMetrobil has been successfully operating the Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure in İzmir since February 2017
Manisa Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerMetrobil has been successfully operating the Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure in Manisa since February 2017
Zonguldak Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerMetrobil has been successfully operating the Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure in Zonguldak since February 2017
İstanbul Anatolian Side Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2013 and July 2017, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
Samsun Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2013 and July 2017, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
İstanbul European Side Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2015 and July 2017, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
Tekirdağ Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2015 and July 2017, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
İstanbul Anatolian Side Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2009 and July 2013, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
Zonguldak Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2009 and July 2013, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
İstanbul Anatolian Side Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2007 and July 2009, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.
Kocaeli Türksat Cable TV Solution PartnerBetween April 2007 and July 2009, Türksat's Cable TV communication network infrastructure installation, maintenance and repair, and operation management projects were successfully completed.